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CFK Weekly: December 3, 2023


Updated: Dec 3, 2023


Congratulations to Chris Purciful 403,911 Meters (250 Miles) of Rowing! Enjoy your Free Month of Membership and Month to Gift-Away!

We had others that pushed themselves to new lengths!

Josh K & Annemarie both Rowed over 200,000

Ben M & Heather C Rowed over 100,000

Looking at 2024


Programming Sneak Peek!

Monday: Starting with some core and pulling strength. Then OPEN WOD 12.5 Tuesday: This one is a pacer! You will be put at your threshold quickly and try to hold a pace. Wednesday: Back Squats on a EMOM of 3 Reps for "Speed". Then a Partners on a EMOM accumulating Cals! Thursday: Mixed Modality paired with Gymnastics in this Chipper. Friday: 6x2 TNG Power Cleans (Building). Then ascending Reps paired with Jumping. Saturday: 5 Rounds of Alternating EMOM for REPS!


On the Calendar


CFK (Ugly Sweater) Holiday Party!!

Tennessee Tap House

Sunday - December 10th
2:00PM - 5:00PM

Spouses, Children, & Significant Others Welcome!

Pizza & Appetizers Provided - Other food available purchase.

Feel free to bring Dessert some will be provided!

Sweaters are encouraged but not required!


Bring-A-Friend Week!!

January 8th-13th! You'll be able to invite a friend to come join in class for a full week! More details to come in the following weeks, but if you have a friend who always wonders what you do or has always mentioned "trying it out" this will be the week for them to come!


Crossfit Total

January 12th for Friday Night Lights we will be doing the CrossFit Total! this will cap off our bring a friend week and provided an opportunity to test your Back Squat / Strict Press / Deadlift all in the same night! We will have 2 divisions so be on the lookout for more information coming soon!


Custom Nutrition Plans Available!

Plans available to fit your nutrition needs! Check them out HERE! Email us at for more details and info on how to get started.

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