Green Wednesday Shirts for Luke

Join us in honoring Luke & supporting his family in this difficult time!
Order Deadline: 5/27
Shirt Cost: $30 - All Proceeds will go to Luke's Family
Programming Sneak Peek!
Monday: Front Squat & Gymnastics EMOM
Tuesday: Row, Row, Row your boat...
Wednesday: 10 rds for time Barbell Triplet
Thursday: 5 rds of HSPU, Lunges, Push Press, 400m run
Friday: "Wittman"
Saturday: Partner Rowing & Core WOD
Sunday: Open Gym & Bike Class
Happening at CFK
SFH Supplement Pre-Order
Last Call! Through 5/20 you can order any SFH Supplement and have it come straight to the gym. No Shipping! Unlimited members receive 10% list price!
On the Calendar
Memorial Day - May 27th: Murph! 8AM & 9:30AM Classes
Bringing a guest? Waiver Link
June 8th - "Linda" for Luke 8am
Planning on Running a Race in the next month? Let us know!
I would like to if others from the gym are running.
Road Race
Trail Race
Obstacle Course Race
You can vote for more than one answer.

Every Monday & Wednesday 5:30PM
Ages 5 - 12
First Class is FREE!

Get the Most out of Your Membership!
All Members get access to Macrostax to help track and dial in your nutrition goals (See Karri or Dave to get access or if you are looking for 1-on-1 Coaching)
TYR Affiliate Discount- 20% off: TTN3RSC20
Unlimited Members have Open Gym access to work on accessory work including the CFK Build Program (Available in Wodify)
Unlimited Members get a 10% discount on supplements. (ie... Protein, Pre-Workout, ect)