It's ROW-vember time!!!...
row-vember has begun...
In case you haven't heard, ROW-vember is underway here at CFK. Each day that you complete your 2K be sure to sign the back of your ticket and drop it into the fishbowl at the front of the room! The Winner of their very own CXT 2s will be announced on November 30th after the 1/2 marathon rows :) EEK! Let's goooooo!
MomFit officially begins this month (Included for FREE with your CFK membership - $99 for Tues & Thurs 9:45-10:45 and nutrition help too!)
"Chad" this Saturday (Nov 9th), sign up sheet in Wodify if you are looking for a partner
Turkey Creek Hot to Trot on Thanksgiving morning. Please let us know if you plan or running or if you are able to volunteer! (Nov 28th)
A sneak peek at the week ahead:
It's an exciting week ahead & we have CHAD on Saturday!!!