& the winners are...

Congrats to our Witches wod athletes!
What an awesome competition! We are so proud of not only your efforts on Saturday but also the whole month long!
Welcome to row-vember: 2K/DAY
This year we are swtiching things up and having our first "2K PER DAY" challenge!!! Eek! What is this all about? We are having a little friendly rowing competition over the month of November. For each day that you row a total of 2K meters, you will be entered into a drawing for the giveaway! Simply write your name on the back of a ticket and add it to the fish bowl! That's lots of possible entries over the course of the month! The winner will be announced after the 1/2 marathon row on November 30th (the only day you can earn more than 1 ticket - complete the 1/2 marathon row for a bonus 6 entries!)

momfit update - month 1 = november.
The trial classes are underway and there are 2 more chances for friends & family to try the class for FREE on Tuesday & Thursday of this week. This is an on-going free class for our CrossFit Knoxville mama members too!