Happy first day of FALL, CFK!!!
Functional Movements: What does that even mean??
"Functional movements are categorically unique in their ability to express power...they can move large loads, long distances, quickly..." - Greg Glassman (founder of CrossFit) Well, that's kind of a "word salad" that sounds and reads great, but doesn't explain much. The term "functional movements" gets used often by a variety of fitness modalities, generally to convince people THEIR methodology is best. Calling things "functional" tells people that they have the most utility to everyday life, or sounds technical enough to convince people to look no further.
Functional movements are compound in nature, they are multi-joint, they use multiple muscle groups. Squatting, deadlifting, pressing. They require use of hips & knees, or shoulders & elbows. The first two prioritize the lower body, but also require core strength, stability, creating tension in the upper back and even the arms. Pressing does similar but in opposite order. You use more muscles to perform compound movements than isolation ones. Therefore you get a better return on time invested. Pull-ups & chin-ups are a great way to build and strengthen your arms and back. Just picture a gymnast...they don't do a whole lot of bicep curls or lat pull-downs. That doesn't mean the more isolated movements have no place, it just means they shouldn't be prioritized.
Functional movements are also the most efficient and effective way to do things. The way our body was designed to move. The best way to get something off the ground and over your head, regardless of what it is, looks very similar to a clean and jerk. Depending on the object and how heavy determines the exact approach, clean & press, or push press, push jerk, etc. When done properly they are extremely safe.
Guessing no one ever taught you how to pick up and move a couch. But, I am pretty sure most of you know standing as far away from it as possible, rounding over your back and just trying to lift it with your arms is a bad idea. You naturally get as close to it as possible, you keep your arms straight, your back flat, and try to lift with your legs. You do this because it is heavy and you know you have to do it that way. That's a deadlift...and it's functional!
Not all movements have that direct line of carryover, but they are all done for a reason.
Muscular strength, stamina, endurance, speed, power, agility, flexibility, balance, coordination, accuracy...more on all those at another time. Even something like an overhead squat. You may never lift something outside of the gym setting in that manner, but if you are able to do them properly you can probably perform most other physical activities in your day to day life without issue. Safe, effective, efficient, and not to mention fun. Don't let the heat wrap, banded, Bosu Ball people fool you, we are as "Functional" as it gets. Next time we will discuss intensity. Why, how, and what it actually means to us here at CFK. Have a great weekend!
- Dave
October challenge & in house competition is coming soon!
CFK KidFit: our last week is here (for now) & Sept. 25th is our last class w/celebration!
Did you know that we have a CFK Private Facebook Group www.facebook.com/groups/cfkmembers/
Week ahead - September 23rd
Congrats to the NEW Rad Dad Ryan Edwards!!!
We are so happy for you and your family!!!
& a question for you all... What workout do you think will be your favorite this week?!?!