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CFK Weekly: December 17, 2023


Good morning, happy Sunday CFK!! This topic has been approached with many of you this week, but we wanted to formalize it here.

One of our main goals at CFK is for as many of you as possible to attend class as often as you are able. We also strive to provide a great class experience each and every day. We think a shift in the 7am class start time to 6:30am may help better achieve both.

Providing another slightly earlier class may allow some of you the opportunity to take class in the morning, while also potentially "lightening the load" of an often overflowing 5:30am class.

If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding this decision, please reach out to

David LeGault


CFK Holiday Schedule

12 Days of Christmas WOD: Saturday, December 23rd - 8am & 10:15am

Christmas Day: December 25th - Closed

December 26 - Normal Schedule

New Years Eve: December 31st - Open Gym 8-10am

New Years Day: January 1, 2024- Limited Schedule 8:00am & 9:30am

January 2, 2024- New 6:30am Class Starts


Programming Sneak Peek!

Monday: 5 x 3 Strict Press (Building). Then we have 5 Rounds for time where we should be moving the barbell quick. (Bring your Grips)

Tuesday: 6 x 3 Hang Power Clean (Building). The Threshold Chipper that follows where we want to pace so we keep intensity throughout.

Wednesday: 20 Min AMRAP! Get ready for Wall Balls and some Body Weight movements.

Thursday: 30 Min EMOM: 1-10 Snatch 11-20 Clean 21-30 Deadlift

Friday: 21-15-9 Paired with voulme of Jumping!

Saturday: 12 Days of Christmas WOD!


On the Calendar

Announcing: KidFIT Knoxville

Starting January 8th


Bring-A-Friend Week!!

January 8th-13th! You'll be able to invite a friend to come join in class for a full week! More details to come in the following weeks, but if you have a friend who always wonders what you do or has always mentioned "trying it out" this will be the week for them to come!


Crossfit Total

January 12th for Friday Night Lights we will be doing the CrossFit Total! this will cap off our bring a friend week and provided an opportunity to test your Back Squat / Strict Press / Deadlift all in the same night! We will have 2 divisions so be on the lookout for more information coming soon!


Custom Nutrition Plans Available!

Plans available to fit your nutrition needs! Check them out HERE!Email us at for more details and info on how to get started.


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